Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

I pray that 2010 will be the year
we take back our churches,
our culture and our country
from the radical left.

May God watch over us, guide us
and protect us

Sen. Feingold

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Clearing the Path For Government Run Healthcare

Blame the Bishops - By Cliff Kincaid

A lot is being said and written about why national health care legislation is becoming a reality. The simple fact, available for all to see, is that the U.S. Catholic Bishops ensured passage of the bill in the House, enabling the Senate to move forward with its version.

It has become apparent to some observers that the Bishops want the legislation to pass, with or without abortion language, because of its perceived impact on 600 Catholic hospitals. As they say in their own document, "Catholic dioceses, parishes, schools, agencies, and hospitals are major purchasers of insurance and health care. The rapidly escalating costs of coverage are impacting almost every diocese, agency, parish, and school."

In other words, the Bishops see national health care legislation as a way to reduce their own costs. In addition, by expanding federally-subsidized health care to as many as 30 million people, many of whom might normally depend on Catholic hospitals for inexpensive or free care, the Catholic Bishops could save even more money.

George Soros’ Political Philanthropy

Read Article

One Nation Under God - Jon McNaughton

Monday, December 28, 2009

The is Real

Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism - Check out this website. CA taxpayer dollars are funding this "center".

Notice if you support traditional marriage or secure U.S. borders you are now lumped in with the KKK and Osama Bin Laden. This "center" for "tolerance" should be DEFUNDED immediately!

Why care about this? Read more about the director - This all ties into labeling freedom-loving Americans as "domestic terrorists". Pay attention to his national influence, research and attacks on our constitution. Investigate more on this guy and find out how his policies are influencing our country.

RTA, Government Run Healthcare, and MORE!

-Wisconsin Regional Transit Authority (SERTA) scheduled a vote to adopt an $18 car-rental tax in Milwaukee, Racine and Kenosha counties, on the Friday before Christmas.

-If you’re wondering what it will be like living with ObamaCare, look no further than DoyleCare, a/k/a BadgerCare, Wisconsin’s version of what happens when political agendas start shoving doctor- and patient-driven health care into the ditch.

READ Newsletter

List of “Sweetheart Deals” Made by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to Secure 60 Votes for his Health Care Bill

Just when you thought secret deals with the industry, closed-door meetings and Chicago-style backroom politics couldn’t get any worse… they did. According to Reid, “A number of states are treated differently than other states. That's what legislation's all about: compromise”. Really?

Rather than thoughtful policy, H.R. 3590 is the result of Democrat desperation and includes countless political handouts. In an effort to meet an artificial holiday deadline, the bill itself has come to look like a Christmas tree with goodies for all Democrat holdouts.


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve Passage of the Health Care 'Reform' Bill

From FRC

Cut the Power of the Family Courts

Do you think judges should have the power to decide what religion your children must belong to and which churches they may be prohibited from attending? We have long suspected that family courts are the most dictatorial and biased of all U.S. courts, routinely depriving divorced fathers of due process rights and authority over their own children, but this December a Chicago judge went beyond the pale.

Cook County Circuit Judge Edward Jordan issued a restraining order to prohibit Joseph Reyes from taking his three-year-old daughter to any non-Jewish religious activities because the ex-wife argued that would contribute to "the emotional detriment of the child." Mrs. Rebecca Reyes wants to raise her daughter in the Jewish religion, and the judge sided with the mother.

Read Article


ROMULUS, Mich. (AP) - An attempted terrorist attack on a Christmas Day flight began with a pop and a puff of smoke—sending passengers scrambling to subdue a man who claimed to be acting on orders from al-Qaida, officials and travelers said.

The commotion began as Northwest Airlines Flight 253, carrying 278 passengers and 11 crew members from Amsterdam, prepared to land in Detroit. Travelers said they smelled smoke, saw a glow, and heard what sounded like firecrackers. At least one person climbed over others and jumped on the man.

"It sounded like a firecracker in a pillowcase," said Peter Smith, a passenger from the Netherlands. "First there was a pop, and then (there) was smoke."

Smith said one passenger, sitting opposite the man, climbed over passengers, went across the aisle and tried to restrain the man. The heroic passenger appeared to have been burned.

Read Article

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Keep the Pressure On

Obama and the Liberals want government run healthcare to pass before Christmas.

Don't let up - Keep contacting your Senator

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid of Obama's Latest Big Brother Plan

Read Article

Planned Parenthood Calls Video "False" Showing it Lying to Women on Abortion

As reported last week, Live Action released the footage of an undercover video it took showing the false statements to two women considering an abortion. A counselor on the tape says, "A fetus is what's in the uterus right now. That is not a baby. A baby is what's born at 40 weeks." "Much safer than having a baby. You know women die having babies," the abortion practitioner continues.

Teri Huyck, president and chief executive officer of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, told the Appleton Post-Crescent newspaper the video was an attack that was misleading. "The fact is Planned Parenthood's standard is to provide honest, medically accurate information," she said. "That is what the physician in this case did, in addition to accurately answering safety questions from a patient that had indicated she wanted to terminate her pregnancy."
This is just laughable

Planned Parenthood also sent a statement to TMJ4-TV in Milwaukee refusing a request for an interview but saying, "Planned Parenthood's standard is to provide honest, medically accurate information. That is what the physician in this case did."
I think someone should tell PP they can't lie thier way out of this one

Read Article

Extreme Shepherding

This is neat

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The second after they pass their healthcare bill - amnesty is next.

The liberals are going to need these "new citizens" to vote for them in order to stay in office once everyone finds out what it is like to be under government run healthcare. You know, once they are citizens they will be eligible for the government run healthcare - wonder if we can all afford that???


Obama orders IL prison to be acquired for Guantanamo Bay prisoners

Thomson IL


Just Bizarre

Monday, December 14, 2009

Have You Ever Thought About How They Come Up Abortion Statistics?

Guess What - The abortion industry is SELF-REPORTING! That means we are trusting people who kill babies for a living to be honest (oh, that's right, we found out they are not trust worthy).

WI's 2008 Abortion Report Page 3 states:
Since January 1, 1987, medical facilities in Wisconsin have been required to report selected information on patients who obtained induced terminations of pregnancy. Section 69.186, Wis. Stats., also mandates the Department of Health Services to publish an annual demographic summary of the information reported. A copy of the statute can be found in the Appendix. The Department of Health Services produced this publication, which was prepared in the Bureau of Health Information and Policy, Division of Public Health. This annual report, Reported Induced Terminations of Pregnancy in Wisconsin, was formerly titled Reported Induced Abortions in Wisconsin. (Wonder why they changed the name? "Abortions" sounds too inhumane?)

So why is this important? Well, if you are the nation's largest abortion provider and you want to demonstrate that your style of sex-education (which you are ramming down the throats of all parents and kids in this state) works, then wouldn't you under report your numbers? Then you can claim your style of sex-education works.

According to the self-reporting killing institutes, half a million people have been killed by abortion in the state of WI since Roe vs Wade. What if it's more?

Irony?? PP Is pushing their agenda at the state Capitol claiming that kids need THEIR "medically accurate information". As PP has demonstrated - all PP really cares about it money. They want direct access to your kids so that they can make more money.

Stop PP style sex-education NOW!

Omnibus Bill ALERT!

H.R. 3288:

  • Abortion: For the first time in 13 years, taxpayers will be forced to fork over money for abortions performed in the nation's capital.
  • Medical Marijuana: On top of D.C. abortions, the bill also authorizes the District to use local funds for a medical marijuana program.
  • Domestic Partner Benefits: H.R. 3288 opens a new funding stream for "partners" of D.C. employees.
  • Sex Education: Farewell to abstinence! The Omnibus zeros out "save sex" programs and replaces them with $110 million in condom promotion.
  • Planned Parenthood and Friends: After the $10 million boost for Title X funding, Planned Parenthood is expected to be the biggest recipient of the Fed's $317.5 million pool.
  • Exporting Family Planning: Under the current language, the U.S. would open up the spigots ($703.5 million) to overseas groups like the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) that promote abortion.


A Conservative Call to Action


Pray For the Nation

2 Chronicles 7:14

Another Organization to Put on Your Watch List

Another Social Justice Group

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Major New Study On How Pornography Threatens Marriages, Children, Communities, and Individuals

Read Full Article - This is facinating, it explains a lot about our culture today!


1. Married men who are involved in pornography feel less satisfied with their conjugal relations and less emotionally attached to their wives. Wives notice and are upset by the difference.
2. Pornography use is a pathway to infidelity and divorce, and is frequently a major factor in these family disasters.
3. Among couples affected by one spouse's addiction, two-thirds experience a loss of interest in sexual intercourse.
4. Both spouses perceive pornography viewing as tantamount to infidelity.
5. Pornography viewing leads to a loss of interest in good family relations.

1. Pornography is addictive, and neuroscientists are beginning to map the biological substrate of this addiction.
2. Users tend to become desensitized to the type of pornorgraphy they use, become bored with it, and then seek more perverse forms of pornography.
3. Men who view pornography regularly have a higher tolerance for abnormal sexuality, including rape, sexual aggression, and sexual promiscuity.
4. Prolonged consumption of pornography by men produces stronger notions of women as commodities or as "sex objects."
5. Pornography engenders greater sexual permissiveness, which in turn leads to a greater risk of out-of-wedlock births and STDs. These, in turn, lead to still more weaknesses and debilities.
6. Child-sex offenders are more likely to view pornography regularly or to be involved in its distribution.

1. Many adolescents who view pornography initially feel shame, diminished self-confidence, and sexual uncertainty, but these feelings quickly shift to unadulterated enjoyment with regular viewing.
2. The presence of sexually oriented businesses significantly harms the surrounding community, leading to increases in crime and decreases in property values.
3. The main defenses against pornography are close family life, a good marriage and good relations between parents and children, coupled with deliberate parental monitoring of Internet use. Traditionally, government has kept a tight lid on sexual traffic and businesses, but in matters of pornography that has waned almost completely, except where child pornography is concerned. Given the massive, deleterious individual, marital, family, and social effects of pornography, it is time for citizens, communities, and government to reconsider their laissez-faire approach.


With the release of new mammogram guidelines by the US Preventive Services Task Force last week, the American public got its first taste of life with health care rationing. The new federal guidelines suggest that health care rationing will be a new tool through which the government can lower health care costs under their health care overhaul plans.

Breast cancer is the leading killer of women between the ages of 40 and 60. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with the disease in their lifetime. With the diagnosis of breast cancer, early detection saves lives. New guidelines released by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force "recommends against routine screening mammography in women aged 40 to 49 years." Nancy Brinker, founder of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, called the new guidelines a setback in the fight to educate the public about the importance of annual screenings to aid in early detection.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Make More Jobs Availible to U.S. Citizens - Stop Illegals

See Add

A Taxpayer-Friendly Plan That Opens Up Jobs For More Americans
You hear a lot of talk about job creation these days. And most of it is just that, talk. Here's a simple plan that will open up millions of jobs for Americans at little cost to taxpayers. It's time to take action and STOP the great American job give-away.

1. Worksite Enforcement: An estimated 8 million illegal workers hold jobs today. Stepped up enforcement of existing worksite laws and programs such as E-Verify will open up jobs for American workers immediately.

2. Time Out For Temporary Worker Visas: More than 90,000 visas were issued last year alone to foreign temporary workers. And we're still doing it today. Stop giving visas to non-agricultural workers and open those jobs to American Workers.

3. Time Out On Most Permanent Foreign Workers: Of the 1.1 million immigrants admitted to the U.S. last year, 3 of 4 were potential job seekers, while Americans were losing jobs. Reduce the flow of immigration and jobs will open for Americans.

Right Here in WI - Planned Parenthood Lying to Patients

Investigation of medical lies and manipulation at Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

ACTION ALERT! Contact your U.S. Senator Now!


The Senate has been debating Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-NV) health care bill, the so-called Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009 (H.R. 3590), continuously for the past week. Reid even kept the Senate in session this weekend for both Saturday and Sunday to ensure that his key Senators were kept far away from their constituents in their home states.

While you are making your calls [or emails], be aware that our overall strategy is not to clean up this bill to make it easier to pass. We want to prevent the fence-sitting Senators from concocting any reasons to vote for it! [Contact your Senator and Tell Him/Her]— "Vote NO on H.R. 3590 for the reason of your choice!"

Soros Eyes Secretaries

A group backed by Soros is gearing up to steal the 2012 election for President Obama and congressional Democrats by installing left-wing Democrats as secretaries of state across the nation. From such posts, secretaries of state can help tilt the electoral playing field. This is, of course, the same Soros, the same hyperpolitical left-wing philanthropist who makes no secret of his intention to destroy capitalism. In an interview with Der Spiegel last year, Soros said European-style socialism "is exactly what we need now. I am against market fundamentalism. I think this propaganda that government involvement is always bad has been very successful -- but also very harmful to our society." The vehicle for this planned hijacking of democracy is a below-the-radar non-federal "527" group called the Secretary of State Project. The entity can accept unlimited financial contributions and doesn't have to disclose them publicly until well after the election.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

One Stop Shop On Climate Gate

Climate Depot

With 10.2% Unemployment, These Groups are Lobbying for More Foreign Workers

Just despicable

Pray for Obama

Psalm 109:8

Congress Must Stop the Trial in New York City

Read article

House Republicans Call for Removal of 'Safe Schools' Czar

Read Article

Cloward-Piven Government

It is time to cast aside all remaining doubt. President Obama is not trying to lead America forward to recovery, prosperity and strength. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Your Insurance Rates Are Going Up

Because the Democrats are in control.

Great Explanation

Revolution - This is a must read

Radical Left Get's Their Funding From...

In just six years non-profit environmental groups filed more than 15-hundred lawsuits and in turn the Federal Government paid out more than $4.7 billion in taxpayer dollars in settlements and legal fees in cases against the U.S. government.

"We tried to track the fees paid to environmental groups in certain federal courts. These guys are charging between $350 and $450 an hour in legal fees." Falen says the Federal government is picking up the tab and adds: "In Federal District Court in Boise, over the last ten years, WWP received a total of $999,190 in tax dollars for 'reimbursement' for attorney fees and costs."

Read Article


Check out their website

Is the Radical Left afraid of people upholding the Constitution???

U.S. Recognizes Honduran President-Elect, But Regional Leftists Balk

Obama Supports Tyranny???

The Obama administration said Monday it recognized the outcome of Honduras’ presidential election, but it stressed that an end to the country’s political crisis would require further steps, including the reinstatement of the ousted former president for the remaining weeks of what would have been his term.

Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Presidents

The federal government spent $3.5 trillion during President Obama's first year in office. This far exceeds the spending for any other first-year president. President Obama has shattered the budget record for first-year presidents -- spending nearly double what his predecessor did when he came into office and far exceeding the first-year tabs for any other U.S. president in history.

Holder allows ACORN to get funds, despite ban

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More Money For ACORN

Monday, November 30, 2009

**ALERT** Microstamping - Gun Control bill SB174 PUBLIC HEARING

Action Items:
1. Testify or Register against SB174 at the Public Hearing on December 1st.
2. If you can't make it to the public hearing, submit your testimony to Sen. Lena Taylor the Judiciary Committee Chairman and 'CC' all the Committee Members. Specifically ask that your testimony and position be part of the official committee record.
3. Contact your State Senator and let them know you are against the bill!
4. Pass this information along to friends and family.


Learn more about why microstamping is just gun control

Problems with "Micro-Stamping"

  • "Micro-stamping" has repeatedly failed in tests
  • "Micro-stampings" are easily removed.
  • Most gun crimes cannot be solved by "micro-stamping," or do not require "micro-stamping" to be solved.
  • Most criminals get guns through unregulated channels.
  • "Micro-stamping" would increase gun thefts, home invasions and burglaries, and expand the black market in guns..
  • Most guns do not automatically eject fired cartridge cases.
  • Only a small percentage of guns would be "micro-stamped."
  • Most violent crimes don't involve guns. According to the FBI, 3/4 of violent crimes, including 1/3 of murders and 3/5 of robberies, are committed without guns.
  • "Micro-stamping" would waste money better spent on traditional crime-fighting and crime-solving efforts.
  • "Micro-stamping" would expose police departments to lawsuits if officers fired "unsafe handguns."

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen our President will be there!

Watch Video

Say Anything: Obama Heads to Copenhagen

Leaked emails won't harm UN climate body, says chairman



Climate sceptics claim leaked emails are evidence of collusion among scientists - READ ARTICLE

The computer files were apparently accessed earlier this week from servers at the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit, a world-renowned centre focused on the study of natural and anthropogenic climate change.
Climate change sceptics who have studied the emails allege they provide "smoking gun" evidence that some of the climatologists colluded in manipulating data to support the widely held view that climate change is real, and is being largely caused by the actions of mankind.
The veracity of the emails has not been confirmed and the scientists involved have declined to comment on the story, which broke on a blog called
The Air Vent.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Obama's Radical Rogues Gallery?

Read Article

Anita Dunn, the White House communications director (who led Obama's war on Fox News), said that Mao Tse-tung was one of her two favorite "political philosophers" whom "I turn to most" for answers to important questions.

Obama's Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones, had to exit in disgrace after he admitted that "I was a Communist." We can thank Glenn Beck for exposing him.

Obama's Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein, wrote a book in 2008 in which he declared that the government "owns the rights to body parts of people who are dead or in certain hopeless conditions, and it can remove their organs without asking anyone's permission." So, after the death consultants authorized in Nancy Pelosi's health care bill convince you to reject life-saving procedures, the organ-transplant team can remove your body's organs immediately.

Obama Administration Imitates Hugo Chavez on Internet

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To Jog Your Memory...

Tommy Thompson to get RFID implant

2005 - Madison, Wis. - Tommy Thompson distinguished himself as the first Wisconsin governor elected to four consecutive terms, and he has now set a new precedent: the first Wisconsin governor to be tagged with radio frequency identification for digital access to his medical records. Thompson, who also served as Secretary of Health and Human Services during President Bush's first term, will have one of the security technology firm Applied Digital's VeriChip tags injected into his arm sometime over the next few months. Thompson joined the board of directors of Applied Digital on July 8.

Verichip Buys ID Security Company

Read Article

VeriChip has a new name. The company famous for its development of RFID tags that can be implanted in humans has acquired Steel Vault Corporation, a provider of identity security products and services. Anti-identity-theft meet human microchipping. Together, VeriChip Corp and Steel Vault Corp are forming a new company called PositiveID.

Scott R. Silverman, Chairman and CEO of PositiveID, stated,
"In joining these two companies, we believe we are better positioned to accelerate the development of our exciting diagnostic and sensor applications such as glucose-sensing, as well as our rapid virus detection system for the H1N1 virus and other pandemic viruses. By moving beyond the original patient identification application of our implantable RFID microchip technology, we believe that we will be able to get high-value products to market faster with a more efficient use of capital."

Of course, it's easy to imagine the eventual use of RFID technology to identify every human being in America and even the planet. It certainly could reduce the problem of ID theft if one's scannable ID was embedded in one's arm. No more stolen or lost credit cards. No more forgetting one's driver's license at home. At least, PositiveID could make that argument, and then hello Big Brother.

Cap and Trade is coming!!!

Through the EPA Cap and Trade will be shoved down our throats!

Read More!

Nationwide Tea Parties Against Amnesty has joined a coalition of many immigration enforcement groups in support of the Tea Party and 9/12 events this year! One of the reasons we did this is because we know that over 90% of the Tea Party and 9/12 grass roots organizers and attendees stand with us in favor of immigration enforcement instead of Amnesty

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Soros Money In Wisconsin

The groups in the Wisconsin coalition include The Wisconsin Citizen Engagement Project, Institute for Wisconsin's Future, WISDOM, Citizen Action of Wisconsin Education Fund, Good Jobs and Livable Neighborhoods, 9to5, National Association of Working Women, Campaign Against Violence, Midwest Environmental Advocates, Voces de la Frontera, Wisconsin Council on Children and Families, and Institute for One Wisconsin.

How Do You Know Your Country is Viewed as Weak?

When issues like this are not taken care of properly...

Atheist Soros Funds Catholic Groups

The critical role of the Catholic Church in passing national health care reform legislation is coming under serious media scrutiny. But the story has taken a strange turn. It has now been revealed that George Soros, the billionaire hedge fund operator and well-known atheist, has been pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into "progressive" Catholic groups that are significant players in the national debates over health care and immigration.
On the surface, it would appear that Soros would be opposed to many positions of the Catholic Church. A major financial backer of the ACLU, Soros supports such causes as
drug legalization, the rights of "sex workers" and felons, euthanasia, radical feminism, abortion rights, and homosexual rights. He does all of this in the name of promoting an "open society."
But a review of the records of his Open Society Institute finds that a group calling itself
Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good (CACG) has received $200,000 from them over the last several years........On Saturday, November 21 and Sunday, November 22, Catholics across the country will be asked to support the CCHD with their financial offerings. Gamaliel is appealing for support, saying that it is "under attack from those with a partisan agenda to de-fund groups committed to organizing for social justice." It says: "Many Gamaliel Foundation affiliates rely on funding from CCHD to serve their communities."

But Gamaliel also relies on George Soros. His Open Society Institute provided $300,000 to the organization in 2008.


The Senate Heathcare Bill and More...

Read Article

Posted using ShareThis

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Truth From the Inside

Read This

Catholic Campaign For Human Development

Learn More!!!!

GOP Gearing Up To Filibuster Judge David Hamilton

Please e-mail your 2 US Senators if you want them to vote NO on Obama’s left-wing 7th Circuit judicial nominee, District Judge David Hamilton, Some of the additional Senators to contact are GOP’s Snowe, Collins, Corker, Murkowski, Hutchison, Voinovich; Democrats Pryor, Landrieu, Lincoln, K. Conrad, Dorgan, Baucus, Bayh, R. Casey, Ben Nelson, Webb, Tester; & Independent Lieberman.

Read More

For more info on Hamilton , check,,,, etc.

Great Secret!

Trying to find deleted webpages? Look them up here

U.S. Reverses Stance on Treaty to Regulate Arms Trade

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States would support the talks as long as the negotiating forum, the so-called Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty, "operates under the rules of consensus decision-making." "Consensus is needed to ensure the widest possible support for the Treaty and to avoid loopholes in the Treaty that can be exploited by those wishing to export arms irresponsibly," Clinton said in a written statement. While praising the Obama administration's decision to overturn the Bush-era policy and to proceed with negotiations to regulate conventional arms sales, some groups criticized the U.S. insistence that decisions on the treaty be unanimous.

Child Brides and Islam

WARNING: This will make you vomit.

Is this why Obama's administration is pushing polygomy and Islam

More on this

Fall of the Republic

On Campus: UW-Whitewater can't invite students to prayer vigil, foundation says


Thursday, November 12, 2009

WI's Ethanol Mandate is COMING!

There are 2 bills working their way through the WI State Legislature. SB279 and AB408
These identical bills are giant and were introduced by the "nonpartisan" Joint Legislative Council in order to fly an ethanol mandate under our radar. Unelected bureaucrats would be given the authority to set mandated levels of ethanol in our fuel. Theses bureaucrats could even change the level of required ethanol blend to a point in which our "old, big-gas guzzling, clunkers" (by the way that is every car including brand new ones that aren't hybrids) couldn't run on! All to FORCE people to buy new more "fuel efficient" death trap, go carts because we must save the planet. FYI - your boat, ATV, farm tractor, lawn mover, rototiller, etc...WON'T RUN! Read below AND the attached article...

According to the Office of Energy Independence, Wisconsin ethanol production and consumption have skyrocketed in recent years — and the growth in our state biofuel market was accomplished without the need for an ethanol mandate. Although state gasoline sales have remained relatively flat throughout this decade, ethanol has bucked this trend, with sharp increases in consumption from one year to the next.

Despite this trend, legislation pending in both houses of the Legislature would set steep ethanol consumption goals, and give unelected bureaucrats the authority to establish sales mandates to reach those goals. When fully implemented, Senate Bill 279 and Assembly Bill 408 would authorize the Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (DATCP) to establish annual sales mandates of nearly 30% ethanol. (MORE)

Interesting Read

Socialism, Marxism, Communism & Obama

WI Close to Financial Colapse

These 10 states may be closest to financial collapse - Read Article

Wisconsin – Budget shortfall: 23.2%"Wisconsin's history of budget shortfalls and pattern of borrowing frequently to cover operating expenses, among other measures, made it poorly positioned to weather the most recent severe economic downturn."

Black Columbia Professor Sucker Punches White Woman In Face Over "White Privilege"

A prominent Columbia architecture professor punched a female university employee in the face at a Harlem bar during a heated argument about race relations, cops said yesterday.

Read Article

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gamaliel and Obama

Gamaliel Website Article - Proud of their link

Found this video on a different blog:

From Obama's Lips

Gamaliel in WI


For the past 29 years, [John] McKnight has split his time between Chicago -- where he is a retired professor of communications studies at Northwestern University -- and a house he owns in rural Spring Green. McKnight was a co-founder of the Gamaliel Foundation in Chicago in 1969. A national training program for community organizers, the foundation initially fought to protect African-American homeowners on Chicago's west side from discrimination by banks and lenders.
It was named after a mentor of the apostle Paul from Christian scripture, which was also a point of reference for the legendary Saul Alinsky, who began community organizing in Chicago in 1938 with the Back of the Yards Community Council in the city's stockyards. McKnight remains a board member of Gamaliel, which now has about 50 affiliates in many states. Obama, the 44th president of the United States, was director of a Gamaliel affiliate called the Developing Communities Project on Chicago's south side from June 1985 to May 1988. It was during those years that Obama came to Spring Green.

Obama Makes Polygamy a 21st Century Issue

No sooner had we celebrated the exit of Barack Obama's Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones, because of his Communist connections, another off-the-wall Administration embarrassment surfaced. President Obama nominated for commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) a woman who signed a radical manifesto endorsing polygamy. We thought our nation had settled the polygamy issue a century and a half ago, but this nomination makes it a 21st century controversy. Obama's nominee for the EEOC, a lesbian law-school professor named Chai R. Feldblum, signed a 2006 manifesto endorsing polygamous households (i.e., "in which there is more than one conjugal partner").


Monday, November 2, 2009

Planned Parenthood Director Leaves, Has Change of Heart

Planned Parenthood Director Leaves, Has Change of Heart

Planned Parenthood has been a part of Abby Johnson's life for the past eight years; that is until last month, when Abby resigned. Johnson said she realized she wanted to leave, after watching an ultrasound of an abortion procedure. "I just thought I can't do this anymore, and it was just like a flash that hit me and I thought that's it," said Jonhson.
She handed in her resignation October 6. Johnson worked as the Bryan Planned Parenthood Director for two years.
According to Johnson, the non-profit was struggling under the weight of a tough economy, and changing it's business model from one that pushed prevention, to one that focused on abortion.
"It seemed like maybe that's not what a lot of people were believing any more because that's not where the money was. The money wasn't in family planning, the money wasn't in prevention, the money was in abortion and so I had a problem with that," said Johnson.
Johnson said she was told to bring in more women who wanted abortions, something the Episcopalian church goer recently became convicted about. "I feel so pure in heart (since leaving). I don't have this guilt, I don't have this burden on me anymore that's how I know this conversion was a spiritual conversion."

Friday, October 30, 2009

Planned Parenthood and FAIR WI Working Together

***FAIR WI ACTION ALERT*** (The Primary Organization that Worked to Defeat the Marriage Amendment)
The Wisconsin State Assembly is poised to vote on the Healthy Youth Act next Tuesday, and they need to hear from you.
This groundbreaking bill requires schools that teach sex education to do so in a responsible, comprehensive manner that includes information about sexuality, abstinence and birth control to prevent teen pregnancies, and STDs including HIV/AIDS.

This piece of legislation not only requires that class materials are not biased towards sexual orientation, but also will ensure that LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender] youth receive sexuality education that is medically accurate and includes information about reducing risk behaviors.

Fair Wisconsin believes that it is only through comprehensive and medically accurate sex education that our youth will learn the lessons necessary to reduce their risk, stay healthy and build a safe learning environment and community.

That’s why Fair Wisconsin has joined Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin and the Health Youth Coalition to educate our legislators about the need for this critical legislation and its impact on the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

But we can’t pass this legislation with out you. Contact your Representative and urge them to pass the Healthy Youth Act TODAY!

Thanks for all you do,

Katie Belanger
Executive Director


1. Take Action - Contact your State Senator and State Representative tell them to OPPOSE SB324 and AB458. Then contact Gov. Doyle and tell him to oppose both bills or 608-266-1212

BOTH Republicans and Democrats need you to contact them!

The Assembly will be voting on AB458 on Tuesday, November 3, 2009. The Senate Committee on Education will vote on SB324 soon! Be honest, do not be afraid to speak the truth and speak from your heart. Ask what your representative's position is on the bill. Depending on how you feel led, do not hesitate to ask to meet with your state legislators on this issue to share your views face-to-face or ask that they personally return your call. Remember, they are elected to represent you in the Legislature. If you are uncomfortable doing this alone, gather your friends and ask your legislator and senator to meet with all of you together.


The Un-Healthy Youth Act (AB458/SB324) –MUST BE STOPPED IN ITS TRACKS.

1.If a school district decides to teach human growth and development, right now Wisconsin law requires teaching the benefits of marriage. The Un-Healthy Youth Act deletes this requirement under Section 118.019(2m) from Wisconsin law.

2. Currently, school districts can teach abstinence-centered instruction. The Un-Healthy Youth Act will not let school districts teach abstinence without teaching condom and contraceptive use. (page 4, lines 14 to page 5 line 24)

3. Current law does not require homosexuality instruction. The Un-Healthy Youth Act requires instruction to not have a bias regarding sexual orientation/homosexuality or having sex before marriage. Therefore, any instruction that says homosexuality or sex before marriage is considered morally wrong would not be allowed under The Un-Healthy Youth Act. (page 5, lines 17-19)

4. Current law would prohibit a Planned Parenthood nurse from participating in the state’s Volunteer Health Provider Program. The Un-Healthy Youth Act would allow someone from Planned Parenthood to participate in the program. By becoming a participant of this program, the Planned Parenthood provider becomes an agent of the state. Therefore, if a parent would sue a Planned Parenthood school nurse for any morally objectionable "service or education", taxpayer’s dollars would be spent to defend the Planned Parenthood nurse. (page 7, lines 4 and 5)

Current Wisconsin Law 118.019 – Human Growth and Development

Catholics - Boycott the CCHD

Reform the Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Powerful Research on the CCHD - It Funds the Radical Left and Community Organizers

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

HPV Vaccine Battle

Merck Researcher Admits: Gardasil Guards Against Almost Nothing

Women in Government are pushing nationally for the HPV vaccine mandate
The company had been funneling money through an advocacy group, Women in Government.

WIG - Upcoming Summit

Internet Czar Susan Crawford will RESIGN!!!

Phil Kerpen Podcast

Washington Post: Obama tech adviser Susan Crawford plans departure
Crawford, known as a proponent of controversial net neutrality rules, has been on temporary leave from the university to serve in the White House. That sabbatical, which began two months after she received tenure at the University of Michigan, will end in January.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Pro-Family Advocates are Needed Thursday to Attend Public Hearing on the Senate Version of the Planned Parenthood Sex Ed Bill - Senate Bill 324.

Senate Education Committee - Public Hearing Notice
Thursday, October 29, 2009 9:30 AM, 201 Southeast - State Capitol
Planned Parenthood Sex Ed Bill -
Senate Bill 324 (Companion Bill to Assembly Bill 458) Senate Education Committee Members Contact Information - (4 NO Votes needed to stop this Anti-Family Bill)

Tomorrow (10-27-09), the Assembly Education Committee will be VOTING on Assembly Bill 458. 7 NO Votes are needed to stop this Anti-Family Bill in Committee
Assembly Education Committee Members Contact Information
Assembly Bill 458 - actual text

Memos from Pro-Family Organizations:
1) Pro-Life Wisconsin
2) Wisconsin Family Action
3) Wisconsin Right to Life

Key Concerns With Planned Parenthood’s School-Based Sex Ed Bill:

Background Concerns:

1) Planned Parenthood, again the state’s largest abortion provider is fully supporting Assembly Bill 458 that would apply to Kindergarten to 12th Grade.
Planned Parenthood’s 2009 Legislative Agenda

2) The two main authors of the bill, Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) and Representative Tamara Grigsby (D-Milwaukee) were endorsed by Planned Parenthood. (If you will recall from the 2007-08 Session, these were the same two legislators who tried to mandate the controversy-ridden HPV(e.g. Gardasil) vaccine for all of Wisconsin’s little 6th grade girls in public and private schools. Fortunately, a group of mothers and grandmothers was able to inject common sense into the State Capitol and stop that offensive bill last Session.)

3) The more sexually active youth there are in this state, means increased revenue for groups like Planned Parenthood. Last year, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin received $12.1 MILLION of our state and federal tax dollars from such programs as Title V, Title X, BadgerCare and the Family Planning Waiver.

4) Wis. Statute 948.02(2) states that it is a Class C Felony for anyone to have sexual contact or engage in sexual intercourse with a person less than 16 years of age. The penalty for this offense is “
a fine of up to $100,000 or imprisonment up to 40 years or both.”

5) Teens can be placed on
Wisconsin’s Sex Offender Registry.

6) 17 year olds are charged as adults for most crimes in Wisconsin.

Specific Parents’ Rights Concerns

1) Eliminates Abstinence-Centered instruction in Wisconsin and replaces it with Planned Parenthood-style Sex Ed.

2) (Page 4 – Lines 2-12) - Allowing Planned Parenthood to define key terms such as “Medically Accurate Information” and “Age Appropriate” in our state statutes is a very
dangerous practice – for teens, parents, and taxpayers.

3) (Page 4 – Lines 14-15) – applies to grades Kindergarten to 12. After reviewing Planned Parenthood’s
offensive website for teens, imagine what type of instruction Planned Parenthood would design for 5 year olds.

4) (Page 5 – line 18) - will promote homosexuality to captive teen audiences.

5) (Page 5 – Line 19) - will place a stamp of approval on teen promiscuity and place abstinence supporters holding Christian values in a less than favorable position in the classroom.

6) (Page 3, Lines 2-5) – mandates the state to apply for federal tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood-style teen pregnancy programs. Is this the prelude to
establishing taxpayer-funded sex clinics in Wisconsin ’s schools?

7) (Page 5 – Lines 23-24) – will force the promotion of counseling by various entities – some of which may not be family friendly. What is Planned Parenthood’s definition of “violent relationship?” Are parents creating a “violent relationship” by not allowing their 15 year old daughter to visit a Planned Parenthood clinic? Would you trust your family’s safety to our politically correct legal and social services system?

8) (Page 4, Line 11) – recognizes the American Medical Association “as a leading professional organization.” A large segment of the public does not realize that only 20% of all medical doctors in the entire US maintain membership in the American Medical Association. Embracing extreme liberal views as the AMA has in the last decade likely explains the lack of full support by members of the medical community.
American Medical Association overhauls its image in new marketing effort.
AMA: Membership Bounces Back Slightly

9) (Page 4, Lines 2-12) - usurps local control. Parents and locally-elected school board members know how best to serve the needs of their community without Planned Parenthood’s influence.

10) (Page 7, Lines 2-4) - also puts sex health volunteers under the volunteer health provider category in the state statutes, which exempts them from liability. This means that Planned Parenthood’s classroom marketing personnel would be entitled to receive legal coverage from a taxpayer-funded lawyer should any teens be harmed and parents file a lawsuit. Imagine tax dollars paying Planned Parenthood's legal bills.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Behind the Scenes

New York Times

Obama is Poised to Cede US Sovereignty

On October 14, Lord Christopher Monckton gave a presentation in St. Paul, MN on the subject of global warming. In this 4-minute excerpt from his speech, he issues a dire warning to all Americans regarding the United Nations Climate Change Treaty that is scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen in December 2009.


Full Video

Ronald Reagan (1961) Warns About Socialized Medicine



Tell Congress to Vote "NO" on "thought crimes" Bill

American Family Association - Action Alert

So-called "hate crimes" laws are really laws that criminalize thought, because they punish an individual not for what he did but for what he thought.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

United Families International


US Radification of CEDAW: Worldwide Impact - The United Nations treaty for women - called the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) should not be ratified. The United States of America is one of the few countries of the world that has not ratified this treaty. By so doing other countries resist ratification protecting untold numbers of families around the world from the affects of this treaty. Unfortunately, due to the new US administration's support of the treaty, CEDAW is once again passing through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and on its way to the Senate floor for ratification. Your support is needed in stopping this international treaty from becoming national law.

CEDAW Background - CEDAW was first sent to the U.S. for ratification during the Carter administration and has since reappeared numerous times in the Senate. The last unsuccessful attempt to ratify CEDAW was in 2002. During the debates in the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the committee added several RUDs-standing for reservations, understandings and declarations-that limited the scope of the convention in regards to abortion, paid maternity, and female military combat. Yet, some argued that these stipulations still exposed the government to too much external oversight and control, while others argued the stipulations undermined the intentions of the treaty. As a result, the treaty never reached the Senate floor for ratification. Now with the change of administration, a new attempt at ratification has begun again. Already approved in the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee, the treaty is now under discussion in the Senate Foreign Relations full committee, where Senator John Kerry, D-MA, seeks to strip the treaty of the stipulations established in 2002 and pass the treaty onto the Senate floor for ratification without any protection for U.S. sovereignty.

What is CEDAW - CEDAW is promoted as a tool to end abuses against women and girls, such as trafficking in women, sex-selective abortion, infanticide, domestic violence, genital mutilation and other acts of violence and discrimination against women. It works by requiring ratifying nations to file reports outlining how they are complying with the treaty. The reports are reviewed by 23 individuals elected by the states that have ratified the treaty. As the United States has refused to ratify the treaty, this committee consists of representatives of foreign governments. This committee provides guidelines to countries and enforces them through economic pressure or threat of international law. Radical women's rights advocates have used this treaty to push the passage and enforcement of laws in the countries that have ratified the treaty. In fact, according to Human Rights Brief, "some countries have incorporated provisions of the treaty directly into their national law, and courts have cited CEDAW in decisions ranging from requiring protection from domestic violence to enabling women to inherit property."

Dangers of CEDAW - The treaty poses an unseen, yet very real threat. Yes, many of the rights CEDAW promotes are central to the promotion of women's rights throughout the world. However, as with much UN legislation, the danger lies in how the treaty can and is being utilized by radical feminists. Rather than simply protecting unborn babies from sex-selective abortion, the treaty has been interpreted to give women of all ages the right to state-sanctioned, and funded, abortions. In other countries, the treaty, promoted as a stay against sex-trafficking, has been used to push for laws legalizing prostitution. Although designed to protect women's rights, it is being used to promote practices that directly undermine the importance of women in society and the traditional structures designed to protect them. The dangers of CEDAW, therefore, clearly outweigh the benefits. The United States already has laws in place to protect the women's rights outlined in the treaty. However, by ratifying the treaty, the U.S. subordinates the Constitution to international law and exposes us to oversight and regulation by an unaccountable UN committee with a radical agenda. The members of the CEDAW committee are given power and authority over treaty countries without an appeal process, subjecting all U.S. legislation to the CEDAW committee's radical agenda and loose interpretation of the treaty. This is a direct threat to U.S. sovereignty.

What you can do - The U.S. Senate must not ratify CEDAW! If the United States reverses its position and ratifies the treaty, the Constitution of the United States will be subordinate to the dictates of unaccountable international bureaucrats pursuing a radical feminist agenda without adding any additional protection for women around the world. International supporters of the family should raise their objections by letting the U.S. Government know that you do not support ratification of CEDAW. Please contact the U.S. Mission to the UN by emailing Ambassador Susan Rice at citizens should contact their senators to voice their opposition to ratification of this disastrous treaty. Contact them by clicking here and locating your senator.

Sincerely, United Families International

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

***Alert*** Internet Free Speech to Be Taken Away

THIS THURSDAY the FCC will make a decision on "Net Neutrality" AKA: Anti-Free Speech - The push for a Washington takeover of the Internet is coming from the White House.

Here's what you can do to help: The FCC created a website at where you can comment on government regulating the Internet under so-called net neutrality rules. The left has been flooding it with comments. Please take a moment to head over to and click on "Join the Discussion" to make your voice heard for keeping the Internet in private hands.


Must Watch Video:

Former UW-Madison Professor Robert W. McChesney and Free Press are going to get their wish.

The Apollo Alliance

The Apollo Alliance: Unifying Activists on the Left
by Phil Kerpen

Heil Obama!

Who would have thought that the USA would actually get to this point.

EBAY <---- See it for yourself


Republic Enemy #1

A Must Read Article

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

United Socialist of America

I recently had the pleasure of listening to Congressman Michele Bachmann speak and she pointed out that one year ago (Summer - 2008) the Federal government owned 0% (ZERO percent) of private businesses. Thanks to bailouts and stimulus dollars the Federal government now owns 30% (THIRTY percent) of private business in this country! Folks that makes us a socialist country. Scary.

"William Boyes, an economics professor at the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, estimates that the government now owns or controls businesses that generate about one-third of U.S. economic activity. "

Read Article

Monday, October 5, 2009

*ALERT* Public Hearing – Assembly Education Committee

Tuesday, October 6 - Room 417 North - 9 a.m.
on Planned Parenthood’s Big $$$$ Sex Ed Bill – AB458

Your Action is NEEDED!
1. Come to the public hearing and testify or register against the bill.
2. If you can’t make it submit written testimony to the Assembly Education Committee Members: Contact Info Ask that it be included in the committee record.
3. Contact your Representatives and Senators IMMEDIATELY!

Do you want Planned Parenthood-style Sex Ed taught in Wisconsin ’s schools with your tax dollars? Not familiar with Planned Parenthood’s message to teens? Check out PP’s Website for Kids. *CAUTION*

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin currently receives $11+ MILLION of YOUR tax dollars each year.

CURRENT Tax Dollars for Planned Parenthood
Title V - $744,617 plus contracts with counties
Tile X: $3.5 Million
Title XIX:
-BadgerCare $1.4 Million
-Family Planning Waiver $5.5 Million
Total PP Tax Dollars: $11.1 Million

Official Public Hearing Notice for ASSEMBLY BILL 458 – Planned Parenthood’s School-Based Sex Ed/Clinics Bill

AB 458 essentially constitutes a tax-payer funded bailout of Wisconsin ’s abortion industry, of which Planned Parenthood controls 75% of the abortion facilities.

Key Concerns With Planned Parenthood’s School-Based Sex Ed/Clinics Bill:
1. AB 458 will promote homosexuality to captive teen audiences.
2. AB 458 will place a stamp of approval on teen promiscuity and place abstinence supporters in a less than favorable position in the classroom.
3. This bill allowsPlanned Parenthood to define key terms such as “Medically Accurate information,” “violent relationships,” and “age appropriate” in our state statutes is a very dangerous practice – for teens and taxpayers. - Are parents who instruct their children against being sexually active creating a “violent relationship” under our politically correct legal and social services system?
4. AB 458 undermines local control. - Parents and locally-elected school board members know how best to serve the needs of their community without Planned Parenthood’s influence.
5. AB 458 also puts sex health volunteers under the volunteer health provider category, which exempts them from liability.
6. Parents will only be given limited access to instructional materials under AB 458. - Parents should never sit back and allow their authority to be undermined by groups like Planned Parenthood.
7. Specially note the section mandating the Department of Public Instruction to apply for federal birth control money. Is this the prelude to establishing taxpayer-funded sex clinics in Wisconsin ’s schools?
8. Planned Parenthood is fully supporting this bill that would apply to Kindergarten through 12th Grade.
9. The two main authors of the bill were endorsed by Planned Parenthood.
10. The more sexually active youth there are in this state, means increased revenue for groups like PP.
11. Why are we promoting illegal activity with taxpayer dollars???? - Wis. Statute 948.02(2) states that it is a Class C Felony for anyone to have sexual contact or engage in sexual intercourse with a person less than 16 years of age. The penalty for this offense is “a fine of up to $100,000 or imprisonment up to 40 years or both.” and Teens can be placed on Wisconsin ’s Sex Offender Registry. 17 year olds are charged as adults for most crimes in Wisconsin .
12. With only 17-20% of all medical doctors in the entire US maintaining membership in the American Medical Association because of the recent hijacking of the organization by the Radical Left, the AMA can now hardly be considered a mainline medical organization. (If you are aware of the AMA’s recent Opinion 385 attacking the conscience rights of pro-life medical personnel, please research this immediately.)


1. Representative Sondy Pope-Roberts (Chair) – Co-Sponsor of the Bill, Planned Parenthood Endorsed Candidate*
2. Representative Kristen Dexter (Vice-Chair)
3. Representative Steve Hilgenberg – Planned Parenthood-Endorsed Candidate*
4. Representative Christine Sinicki – Co-Sponsor of the Bill, Planned Parenthood Endorsed Candidate*
5. Representative Kim Hixson
6. Representative Jeff Smith – Planned Parenthood Endorsed Candidate*
7. Representative Peggy Krusick
8. Representative Mark Radcliff
9. Representative Brett Davis
10. Representative Steve Nass
11. Representative John Townsend
12. Representative Leah Vukmir
13. Representative John Nygren




By Rev. Ted Pike - Read Full Article

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Final Vote on HeathCare *Your Action Needed*

From Eagle Forum <--Take Action

After two weeks of consideration and votes on amendments to the Baucus health care reform "concept" in the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) has expressed his intention to get this bill to the floor for debate and a vote as quickly as possible. Although the committee markup has been completed, the final committee vote to advance the Baucus bill to the Senate floor is expected to occur next week on Tuesday, October 6th, and a floor debate and vote could happen soon after.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Violence Against Women Sham

Introduced in Wisconsin

Parisi - I am introducing this legislation in order to address the epidemic of violence against women in our communities. The Wisconsin Gender Hate Crimes Act recognizes that violence which is disproportionately directed at women is particularly serious because it affects all women by promoting inequality. This legislation is simple and straight-forward: it provides prosecutors with an additional tool to charge a penalty enhancer if they believe a perpetrator was motivated by victim’s gender. This legislation has the support of the Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

This bill provides an enhanced penalty for certain crimes if the person committing the crime intentionally selects the victim based on his or her belief or perception of the victim’s gender.

From Eagle Forum:
VAWA transfers $1 billion a year of American taxpayer dollars into the hands of radical feminist organizations who use the funds to preach anti-marriage and anti-male ideology, to promote divorce, to corrupt the family court system, and to engage in anti-family political advocacy.

The Violence Against Women Act:
1. Encourages women to make false allegations and then petition for full child custody and a denial of fathers' rights to see their own children.
2. Promotes the unrestrained use of restraining orders, which family courts issue on the woman's say-so.
3. Assumes loose definitions of domestic violence that blur the difference between violent action and harmless marital tiffs and arguments.
4. VAWA-funded centers engage in political advocacy for feminist legislation such as the "must-arrest" and "no drop" laws even if there is no sign of violence and even if the women doesn't want the man arrested.
5. Allows the definition of "abuse" to include things like minor insults, irritations, criticizing, ignoring the victim's needs, jealousy, possessiveness, and facial expressions which occur in most marriages and relationships.
6. Funds the re-education of judges and law enforcement personnel to teach them feminist stereotypes about male abusers and female victims, how to game the system to empower women, and how to ride roughshod over the constitutional rights of men.

Dangers of Hepatitis B Vaccines

(Austin, Texas) - A new research study published today in a leading scientific journal, NeuroToxicology, found that a Hepatitis B vaccine containing the mercury-based preservative thimerosal caused significant delays in the acquisition of critical survival reflexes in newborn rhesus macaque monkeys.


MUST SEE STORY (Milwaukee, WI):

Ian's Voice

A Similar Bill Has Been Introduced in WI!!!

California ACLU Strives to Ban Abstinence Education

IRS Will Enforce Heathcare!

Read Alert Here

The Senate Finance Committee is set to resume its consideration of the health care plan outlined by Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) today. Those in the mainstream media and Senator Baucus himself have tried to market this supposedly "new" plan as a more moderate, bi-partisan compromise, however, no other members of the negotiating "Gang of Six," or any other U.S. Senator for that matter, was willing to stand beside Sen. Baucus when he unveiled his plan last week. Rasmussen reported yesterday that 56% of Americans now oppose ObamaCare. Even worse, the increasing list of defeated amendments in the Senate Finance committee is revealing the true intentions of the Baucus plan to be just as radical as H.R. 3200. Here are a few things you should know about the Baucus bill and what is developing in the Senate:
- The IRS will enforce the individual mandate. Like H.R. 3200, the Baucus bill requires every American (with the exception of a few groups, including illegal aliens and convicted felons) to purchase health insurance that complies with new federal standards by 2013. Those who fail to pay the penalty-which could be up to $1,900 for each individual-for not having health insurance will face legal action from the IRS and will be subject to the same financial penalties as those who evade paying their federal income taxes. Thanks to
aggressive questioning by Sen. Ensign (R-NV) last week to inquire how these provisions would be enforced, the Joint Committee on Taxation confirmed via handwritten letter that the IRS would take you to court and undertake normal collection proceedings. The Committee made sure to bring Section 7203 of the U.S. tax code to Sen. Ensign's attention:
"If there is a willful failure to file, pay, or maintain appropriate records and the like [...] the taxpayer may be charged with a misdemeanor with a penalty of up to $25,000 and not more than one year in jail. Felony tax evasion provides for restitution and a fine of up to $100,000 for an individual and up to five years in jail."