Monday, December 14, 2009

Have You Ever Thought About How They Come Up Abortion Statistics?

Guess What - The abortion industry is SELF-REPORTING! That means we are trusting people who kill babies for a living to be honest (oh, that's right, we found out they are not trust worthy).

WI's 2008 Abortion Report Page 3 states:
Since January 1, 1987, medical facilities in Wisconsin have been required to report selected information on patients who obtained induced terminations of pregnancy. Section 69.186, Wis. Stats., also mandates the Department of Health Services to publish an annual demographic summary of the information reported. A copy of the statute can be found in the Appendix. The Department of Health Services produced this publication, which was prepared in the Bureau of Health Information and Policy, Division of Public Health. This annual report, Reported Induced Terminations of Pregnancy in Wisconsin, was formerly titled Reported Induced Abortions in Wisconsin. (Wonder why they changed the name? "Abortions" sounds too inhumane?)

So why is this important? Well, if you are the nation's largest abortion provider and you want to demonstrate that your style of sex-education (which you are ramming down the throats of all parents and kids in this state) works, then wouldn't you under report your numbers? Then you can claim your style of sex-education works.

According to the self-reporting killing institutes, half a million people have been killed by abortion in the state of WI since Roe vs Wade. What if it's more?

Irony?? PP Is pushing their agenda at the state Capitol claiming that kids need THEIR "medically accurate information". As PP has demonstrated - all PP really cares about it money. They want direct access to your kids so that they can make more money.

Stop PP style sex-education NOW!