Friday, October 30, 2009


1. Take Action - Contact your State Senator and State Representative tell them to OPPOSE SB324 and AB458. Then contact Gov. Doyle and tell him to oppose both bills or 608-266-1212

BOTH Republicans and Democrats need you to contact them!

The Assembly will be voting on AB458 on Tuesday, November 3, 2009. The Senate Committee on Education will vote on SB324 soon! Be honest, do not be afraid to speak the truth and speak from your heart. Ask what your representative's position is on the bill. Depending on how you feel led, do not hesitate to ask to meet with your state legislators on this issue to share your views face-to-face or ask that they personally return your call. Remember, they are elected to represent you in the Legislature. If you are uncomfortable doing this alone, gather your friends and ask your legislator and senator to meet with all of you together.


The Un-Healthy Youth Act (AB458/SB324) –MUST BE STOPPED IN ITS TRACKS.

1.If a school district decides to teach human growth and development, right now Wisconsin law requires teaching the benefits of marriage. The Un-Healthy Youth Act deletes this requirement under Section 118.019(2m) from Wisconsin law.

2. Currently, school districts can teach abstinence-centered instruction. The Un-Healthy Youth Act will not let school districts teach abstinence without teaching condom and contraceptive use. (page 4, lines 14 to page 5 line 24)

3. Current law does not require homosexuality instruction. The Un-Healthy Youth Act requires instruction to not have a bias regarding sexual orientation/homosexuality or having sex before marriage. Therefore, any instruction that says homosexuality or sex before marriage is considered morally wrong would not be allowed under The Un-Healthy Youth Act. (page 5, lines 17-19)

4. Current law would prohibit a Planned Parenthood nurse from participating in the state’s Volunteer Health Provider Program. The Un-Healthy Youth Act would allow someone from Planned Parenthood to participate in the program. By becoming a participant of this program, the Planned Parenthood provider becomes an agent of the state. Therefore, if a parent would sue a Planned Parenthood school nurse for any morally objectionable "service or education", taxpayer’s dollars would be spent to defend the Planned Parenthood nurse. (page 7, lines 4 and 5)

Current Wisconsin Law 118.019 – Human Growth and Development