Friday, September 4, 2009

*ALERT* Public Hearing on the NO MORE Clean Laundry Bill and Shoreland Zoning

Your action is NEEDED! On Thursday, September 10, 2009 the WI Senate Committee on Environment is going to have a public hearing on TWO important issues that you need to voice your opinion on!

First, if you can, come to the hearing and testify. If you can not attend, send your testimony to the committee chair and members and ask that it be part of the public hearing record. Sen. Miller is the chair – Senate Committee on Environment. My suggestion would be to submit it to the members by September 9, 2009. Second, submit your testimony/thoughts to your Senator and ask them to do what they can.

1. No More Clean Laundry and Dishes Bill (AB 281) -
This bill passed the Assembly and if not stopped in the Senate will turn WI into WA. I originally told you about this bill in June - where people in the state of WA can't get their cloth and dishes clean due to the phosphorus restrictions.

2. Lake/River/Water/Wetland Property (aka: Shoreland Zoning CHR 05-058) –
I have not read through the whole rule but you need too if you own property on or near any body of water. Below are a few excerpts from the DNR rule but please read the whole thing – you may catch things that I have not. I don’t trust the DNR and have a feeling this could be bad.

-Counties with a non-compliant or no shoreland ordinance have 180 days to work with Department to draft a compliant shoreland ordinance.
-A new provision limiting structure height to 35-feet high within 75 feet of the ordinary high-water mark is added to protect and preserve the natural scenic beauty close to the shoreline.
-Removed rule that discussed limiting the cost of changes to nonconforming structures to 50%; rule provides incentives to address nonconforming structures via limits on impervious surface area and mitigation requirements.
-Added provision allowing expansion of nonconforming principal structures within 75 feet of the ordinary high-water mark with a county permit, provided key requirements are met, including mitigation to offset impacts in most cases.
-Added provision allowing relocation of nonconforming principal structures within 75 feet of the ordinary high-water mark with a county permit, only when no compliant building location is exists, and provided key requirements are met, including mitigation to offset impacts and removal of non-exempt structures within 75-feet of the water.
-New “Mitigation” and “Building envelope” definitions support this standard.
-The standard minimum setback remains 75 feet. Language is added to address structures exempted by other state or federal laws from the minimum setback standards.
-Routine maintenance of vegetation permitted in shoreland zone. Removal of trees and shrubs also is allowed if the trees and shrubs are exotic or invasive species, diseased or damaged, or an imminent safety hazard, but the removed trees and shrubs must be replaced.
-Language governing management of shoreland vegetation in at least the first 35 feet from the OHWM is clarified, resulting in a more functional buffer protecting habitat and water quality. Other vegetation management permitted in the vegetated buffer zone with a county approved plan that requires erosion control; re-vegetation; maintenance and monitoring and enforceable restrictions.
- In addition to notifying the Regional office prior to any hearings on the following, counties must also submit to the Department within 10 days permits to relocate or expand nonconforming principal structures; variances, special exception and conditional use permits; appeals for map or text interpretations, and decisions to amend map or text ordinances.

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