Sunday, April 10, 2011
Your Action is Needed
The Joint Finance Committee is currently touring WI holding public hearings on the proposed BUDGET (not the repair bill). Hundreds of people are showing up to oppose Walker's budget proposal, testifiying that no programs should be cut, that taxes should be raised, etc. We NEED citizens to go on public record IN SUPPORT of Gov. Scott Walker and his attempt to close the $3 BILLION+ budget hole that we have in our WI state budget. These hearing go on all day so even if you can't (don't want to) sit there all day, come after work and fill out a hearing slip. You don't even have to testify you can just register IN FAVOR. You can also write out testimony, bring copies and hand it to the committee members. Be sure to also give a copy to your state Legislators. Now is your chance to support the Republicans, let them know that you are the silent majority and you want the budget fixed without raising taxes!!! Remember the left NEVER sleeps and they will continue to bully the Legislature and Gov. Walker. Please stand with them NOW!