1. Green Bay Teachers join collectively bargained retiree emeritus program which pays one year’s salary over 3 years for 30 days of work in addition to their normal pension. If a teacher retires at $60k, it works out to $2k/day.
2. Madison Emeritus program only pays 19% of salary but the retirees get to be retirees and not work for the money that is paid on top of their regular pension.
3. Milwaukee Teachers Union has collectively bargained regular pension and “supplemental pensions”
4. Milwaukee Teachers Union sacrifices 482 jobs rather than take a cut for its members. Among the victims is a teacher of the year who didn't have the seniority to stay.
5. Teachers Union fights Cedarburg School Board over their attempt to fire a teacher for viewing porn at work.
6. Madison pays bus driver 159k via collectively bargained overtime rules.
7. Wausau Union fights allowing a man to be volunteer crossing guard. Principal Steve Miller says, "He said, you know, this gives me a reason to get up in the morning to come and help these kids in the neighborhood."
8. Prison guards use loophole of pairing extra shifts @ OT pay and calling in sick to scam taxpayers out of extra pay for the same (or less) work. http://www.jsonline.com/news/wisconsin/29511574.html